Friday, August 31, 2012

Laundry room fire at senior living center controlled by sprinkler system (Lynnwood, WA)

A fire in a clothes dryer at a senior living center north of Lynnwood on Wednesday caused minimal damage thanks to a sprinkler that kept flames in check until firefighters arrived, officials said. "A fire like this at a time of the morning when most residents are sleeping could have resulted in tragedy, but one sprinkler head was able to keep the fire contained to the clothes dryer," District 1 spokeswoman Leslie Hynes said. "This is an excellent example of how sprinklers can react quickly to save lives and reduce property damage."

Sprinkler system extinguishes kitchen fire (Fairfax, VA)

A sprinkler system put out a kitchen fire. The fire started around 7:30 p.m. and was out within a few minutes. Chief Kenny Wolfrey said that the incident was a reminder that "sprinklers save lives."

Sprinkler system makes the difference in apartment kitchen fire (Jackson, NJ)

Jackson Firefighters responded to a second kitchen fire at a residence on Victoria Circle. There were no injuries reported, according to Station 55 Chief Timothy Carson. Fire fighters were dispatched, and on arrival, found that the occupants had been cooking when a flash fire erupted. The sprinkler system and two installed extinguisher pods inside the cook-top exhaust fan put the fire out.

Strip mall fire contained by sprinkler system (San Jose, CA)

Firefighters responded to a blaze at a strip mall. When firefighters arrived, they found the building's sprinklers had been set off. Firefighters quickly extinguished the small amount of smoldering fire in the restaurant. Because the mall shares a common attic, "the whole strip mall could have been affected."

Monday, August 27, 2012

Fire extinguished by sprinkler system at long-term hotel (Vancouver, WA)

Capt. Dave James with the Vancouver Fire Department said the sprinkler system was able to contain the fire until the fire department got there. This is the second fire put out by a sprinkler system in the past week. Residents were safely evacuated.

Sprinklers contains basement fire at historical hotel (Prescott, AZ)

A sprinkler put out a fire that started in the hotel's basement and kept it from reaching an oiled hardwood floor in the room directly above, according to Prescott Fire Department Fire Investigator Len DeJoria. Fire sprinklers were critical in saving the building and the lives of the people inside,Prescott Fire Battalion Chief said.

Laundry room fire at large production facility contained by sprinkler system (St. Cloud, MN)

About 10 bags of dirty laundry caught fire in a laundry room and set off the building’s sprinkler system, according to a St. Cloud Fire Department report.  The sprinkler system doused a large portion of the fire and crews from both the St. Cloud Fire Department and Waite Park Fire Department extinguished remnants of the fire while taking care of the remaining debris. No one was hurt or injured.  “It was a sprinkler-controlled fire,” St. Cloud Battalion Chief Leon Faust, said.

Late night apartment fire extinguished by sprinkler system (Tucson, AZ)

Firefighters entered the apartment to find the fire had already been extinguished by a single sprinkler head. The initial cause of the fire was a pan of oil left unattended on the stove.  Due to the quickness of the alarm sounding and the efficiency of the sprinkler system, damage was kept to a minimum, and there were no injuries to report.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Commercial building fire extinguished by sprinkler system (Santa Rosa, CA)

Firefighters responded to a fire at a commercial building in Santa Rosa on Monday night that was related to a marijuana grow operation, fire officials said.  The fire had burned in a room that contained a marijuana grow, but the flames had been extinguished by a single sprinkler head, according to the fire department.  A fire investigator determined the fire was sparked by misuse of electrical equipment by the tenants.

Sprinkler system extinguishes church fire set by arsonist (Bellingham, WA)

Local and federal authorities are investigating arson at a Bellingham church. Firefighters found two set fires in the church. A small fire in a hallway was put out by a fire extinguisher. The church's sprinkler system extinguished a larger fire in the sanctuary.

Fire sprinklers prove effectiveness in apartment complex fire (Vancouver, WA)

Firefighters say a sprinkler system saved an apartment complex from what could have been an overnight fire.
They arrived and found a plastic box and a cardboard box were left on a stove with a lit burner, said Kevin Stromberg, spokesman for the Vancouver Fire Department. The boxes caught fire and activated the sprinkler system. The residents were not home at the time.  The fire could have easily affected multiple families, especially early in the morning, he said.

Sprinklers control fire at bowling alley (Tallahassee, FL)

Firefighters forced entry into the rear of the building and found a small fire burning inside a clothes dryer, as well as a sprinkler head flowing water above the dryer.  Firefighters quickly extinguished what remained of the fire burning inside the dryer. Automatic sprinkler systems like the one in use at Capital Lanes are designed to control or suppress a fire during its early stages, greatly reducing the loss of property and possibly life.

Sprinkler system contains fire at senior apartment complex (Las Vegas, NV)

Firefighters rescued a woman early Tuesday morning after her eastern valley apartment unit caught fire.  Officials said a sprinkler in her kitchen helped contain the fire and may have saved the woman’s life.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Sprinkler system aids firefighters during manufacturing plant fire (Urbana, IL)

A malfunctioning machine at the Solo Cup plant in east Urbana sparked a fire Thursday morning that caused moderate damage.

Urbana Fire Chief Mike Dilley said a combination of sprinkler heads inside the plant and firefirefighters' hose lines kept the fire from being any worse than it was. All the workers in the plant were safely evacuated.

Sprinkler prevents major fire damage at restaurant (Ocean City, MD)

Firefighters were able to get the fire, which originated in the kitchen, under control. Officials say a sprinkler was activated during the blaze, which prevented extensive damages to the rest of the restaurant. Officials say no one was injured.

Cat survives apartment fire thanks to fire sprinkler system (Portland, OR)

Firefighters who responded to a southeast Portland apartment fire could hear screaming inside and see smoke seeping from under the door. So they kicked in the door and found — a cat.

Fire spokesman Ron Rouse says the cat — named Dude — was fine after the firefighters took him outside Wednesday evening and gave him some oxygen.

Rouse says the apartment resident had taken some warm clothes from the dryer and set them on a couch near some oily rags, then left the apartment. The spokesman says the combination of heat and the oily rags created spontaneous combustion. The apartment's automatic sprinklers contained the fire to the couch.