Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sprinkler system extinguishes fire in lower parking garage of high-rise building (Chicago, IL)


Early this morning, the Chicago Fire Department reported that a fire sprinkler system in the Franklin Center commercial high-rise at 227 W. Monroe extinguished a fire that was caused by an automobile in a lower level parking garage. 

“Too often we hear about the unsprinklered fires that cause major damage and injuries or deaths, but it’s even more important to highlight when larger fires are prevented thanks to the quick response of fire sprinklers,” says Tom Lia, executive director of the nonprofit Northern Illinois Fire Sprinkler Advisory Board. “Today, a fire sprinkler system extinguished a car fire and prevented any harm to humans. That is why fire sprinklers are in the national model codes. They are vital to life and property protection in high-rises and all other occupancies as well."

Hotel room cooking fire extinguished by fire sprinkler system (Chesapeake, VA)

No injuries were reported after a fire damaged a hotel room at the Extended Stay America.  Chesapeake firefighters were called to the scene about 7:45 p.m. and found heavy smoke coming from the second floor of the hotel, according to a news release.  The automatic fire sprinkler system inside the building was able to extinguish the room fire, the news release said. The cause of the fire appeared to be unattended cooking.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Apartment cooking fire eliminated by sprinkler system (Springfield, MO)

A cooking fire erupted in an apartment unit around 8 p.m. on Sunday, January 20. The smoke alarm went off, alerting the residents, and the sprinkler activated, extinguishing the fire. 

Sprinklers assist firefighters in apartment fire (San Luis Obispo, CA)

A fire which broke out in an apartment at around 3:40 a.m. on Monday, January 20, filled an apartment with smoke and activated the unit's fire sprinkler system. Firefighters were able to eliminate the fire by 4:00 a.m.

"Without the sprinkler system, the fire could have gotten a lot bigger," said acting Battalion Chief Mike King.

Kitchen fire extinguished by single fire sprinkler (Arapahoe County, CO)

When firefighters responded to a home fire on January 13, the fire had already been eradicated by a single fire sprinkler. The fire began when a pot of cooking oil started on fire, which spread up the stove and cupboards. 

Sprinklers contain fire at restaurant (Gainesville, GA)

Gainesville firefighters responded to a fire at a restaurant a little before 6 a.m. on Friday, January 17. The fire crews broke into the building and found that four sprinkler heads had activated and kept the fire in check. After the crews put out the remaining flames, Fire Marshal Chad Payne reported that a faulty condensation line pump on a refrigeration unit had started the fire. There were no injuries reported.

Fire sprinkler keeps fire from spreading at night club (Salisbury, NC)

Salisbury's night club, Nashville Nights, had a trash can fire occur on Saturday evening, and firefighters were alerted to the scene. The building's fire sprinkler activated and suppressed the fire.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fire sprinkler puts out fire at hotel (Rocky Mount, NC)

Fire sprinklers stopped an early morning fire from spreading at a Doubletree Hotel on Wednesday, January 15. One of the hotel's guest smelled smoke at about 6 a.m. and pulled the a fire alarm. When fire crews arrived, they found a small amount of smoke coming from a fourth floor room that was unoccupied. In response to the heat from the fire, the room's fire sprinklers had activated, which kept the fire from spreading. Investigators believe the fire began because of an electrical malfunction near the heating unit in the fourth floor room. No one was injured in the incident.

Restaurant fire squelched by sprinkler system (Crookston, MN)

When a fire broke out in a restaurant kitchen on Monday morning, the restaurant's fire sprinkler put out the flames. Investigators believe the fire began when an overheated aerosol cooking spray and exploded, and that the fire quickly started near the kitchen's exhaust system. No injuries were reported.

Sprinklers prove worth in house fire (Antioch, CA)

A two-story home caught fire on Tuesday night following what investigator's believe was a spark near the home's fuse box. Fire crews were able to put the fire out within minutes.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sprinklers extinguish multiple fires set by arsonists at a high school (Kusa, CO)

Police are looking for the three individuals who broke into, vandalized, and ignited a fire at a high school after midnight on January 13. The vandals broke some windows in the school, vandalized the computer lab, and started multiple fires in the band room. The school's fire sprinkler extinguished the fire before it could spread to other classrooms. No one was injured in the blaze.

Sprinklers keep fire from spreading in apartment fire (Crofton, MD)

On the afternoon of January 9, a fire was called into the Anne Arundel County Firefighters at a three story apartment building. The fire, which started on the balcony of a second floor unit, had quickly spread into the living room, where a fire sprinkler activated and contained the fire until fire crews arrived. A 20-year old male was in the apartment at the time of the fire, and he remained uninjured from the incident. The fire department was able to extinguish the remaining flames within 20 minutes of arrival, and investigators report that the fire was caused by improperly disposed smoking materials.

Fire at manufacturing facility contained by fire sprinkler system (Conroe, TX)

A fire broke out at Pentair Industries on Saturday morning, and firefighters arrived to the scene at approximately 7 a.m. The origin of the fire was a filter drying oven, and the building's fire sprinkler system activated and kept the fire from spreading beyond that point. Fire crews extinguished the remaining blaze, and no injuries were reported. 

The City of Conroe's Fire Marshal's Office reported that this incident displayed the effectiveness of properly installed and maintained fire sprinkler systems in reducing injuries, loss of life, and loss of property due to fire.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Sprinklers squelch hotel clubhouse fire (Ponte Vedra Beach, FL)

Investigators are still looking into the cause of a fire which began in a hotel clubhouse on Wednesday afternoon. Fire crews arrived to the clubhouse after receiving reports of a fire; upon entering the building, they found no fire or smoke thanks to the building's fire sprinklers, which put out the flames prior to their arrival. There were no injuries reported.

Fire sprinklers minimize damage at Ace Hardware (Piedmont, CA)

When a fire began in the storage room of an Ace Hardware just after four in the morning on Sunday, January  6, the fire sprinkler system in that back room activated, minimizing the potential damage from the fire. Investigator's believe the fire began due to an electrical malfunction, and no one was injured in the incident. The store reopened on Monday, January 7.

Fire at manufacturing plant extinguished thanks to fire sprinklers (Chattanooga, TN)

NWA Plastics Company reported a fire on the afternoon Wednesday, January 8, when a motor used to power an air compressor overheated and caught on fire. The heat from the fire then activated a sprinkler head from the facility's fire sprinkler system which then completely suppressed the fire prior to the arrival of six fire companies. No injuries were reported, and the damage was minimal.

Sprinklers save three-story apartment building from damage (Cape Coral, FL)

A grease fire began in a third floor unit of an apartment building on Tuesday evening. When fire crews arrived soon after they received the alert, they found that a single fire sprinkler had activated and eliminated the fire with no fire damage to the building. 

According to City Fire Marshal Alan Carter, "Without fire sprinklers and quick extinguishment, this could have easily been fire that could cause a very significant loss from fire, displaced twelve families, and potential loss of life."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Mattress fire at apartment complex contained by fire sprinklers (Tinley Park, IL)


A fire sprinkler helped to extinguish a bedroom mattress fire at the Edgewater Walk Apartments on Tuesday (Dec. 31).  The sprinkler activated minimizing fire, heat and smoke damage.  The fire did not extend past the area of origin. The cause of the fire is not known, but is considered suspicious.