Friday, March 21, 2014

Fire sprinklers save property and lives from arson fire (Harrisburg, PA)

Investigators are reporting that a fire that began in a vacant apartment was intentionally set on Thursday morning. Fire Chief Brian Enterline said that the fire sprinkler system had not only prevented significant property loss, but possibly saved several lives. At the time of the fire, firefighters were already suppressing a fire at another location; two city units as well as surrounding fire companies were sent out to cover the apartment fire. Enterline also said that had it not been for the fire sprinklers, the fire would have spread throughout the apartment before it would have been discovered. No injuries were reported in the incident.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad no one was injured in that fire! People keep coming up with new ideas for how to combat home fires, which is fantastic since so many are started by accident. I heard about an invention that actually turns your oven off if you leave it on for too long.
